
Advertize your product or website on The Costume Page and The (Halloween) Costume Page! Since 2004, The Costume Page domain has received, on average, approximately 17,060,000 visitors per year; the majority of these visits occur in October, the second-highest volume month being September.

We are currently accepting Bold Text ads for The Costume Page - (Accessories and Costumes), and for The (Halloween) Costume Page - Buy or Rent your Costume. Ads must be for sites, products, or services that would be of interest to the users of this site. To become a advertiser:

  1. Email us with your request. Include your site URL.
  2. We will review your link and respond to confirm the plans.
  3. We will add your link to the requested page(s), and notify you.
  4. You will send payment in full to the address we provide. If your payment is not received within two weeks of our notification, the emphasis to your link will be deleted.

The annual fee is payable by September 1. This will entitle you to a Bold Text link on the selected page from September 1 through August 31 of the following year. New ads placed after September 15 will be pro-rated; contact us for details. Fees (in U.S. dollars) are as follows:
